India featured in severe risk zone – Cargill Mycotoxin Survey

Provimi Animal Nutrition has collected samples worldwide from January-December’18 and conduced 213446 analysis for various mycotoxins simultaneously, pertinent information was captured in “Cargill’s World Mycotoxin Survey”. As per the survey, India featured in Severe Risk Zone, where 40-50% of samples were found above risk level of aflatoxin, DON, Fumonisin, T2 & ZEN.
Statewise Mycotoxin Overview:

  • West Bengal (WB) is at extreme risk zone, where Aflatoxin & T2 contamination is more than 75% i.e. 81% & 69% respectively. Risk is almost same in WB same as compare to last year (2017-18). High humidity & improper storage condition could be factor for high mycotoxin infestation.
  • Earlier only 3 states were at severe risk zone, this time, 5 states are in same zone adding Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.
  • A slight decrease in risk can be seen in Uttarakhand as it was at sever risk last year (2017-18), but it turned high risk zone, where aflatoxin & T2 contamination have lowered down.

A Comprehensive Survey of Mycotoxin Prevalence in India

  • 90% samples were infested with at least one mycotoxin.
  • 62% samples were infested with more than one mycotoxin, which amplify negative impact of individual mycotoxins.
  • Inclusion of Corn Gluten Meal & DDGS can cause threat, as these are highly contaminated ingredients.
  • Aflatoxin remains major concern (44% samples above threshold limits) for India followed by T-2 contamination (36% above threshold limits).
  • Severe mycotoxin infestation has been found in 5 states & extreme mycotoxin infestation have been found in 1 state of India.

Levels of contamination
Non contaminated Ingredients: Level of mycotoxins were found to be below LOD, limit of detection. These ingredients were considered normal samples.
Contaminated ingredients: Level of mycotoxins were more than LOD, but less than maximum tolerance limit (above risk level). These ingredients were considered positive samples.
Above Risk Level: Level of mycotoxins were found to be more than tolerance limits that can impose serious threat on consumption.
Survey has been conducted using 6 main ingredients along with few other ingredients like meat and bone meal (55), Ground nut meal (60), De Oiled rice bran (65), Fish meal, Rice gluten Meal, Sesame Cake, Sunflower cake, cotton seed meal, broken rice, bajra etc.
by Nidhi, Shiva Kumar, Kaushik S. and Clement. S, Provimi Animal Nutrition