Modular feed mill for better flexibility and efficiency

Compound feed manufacture is undergoing a great technological makeover. One of the latest such technologies being, “Modular compound-feed installations”. These installations contain the required process machines, based on module that can fit the size of a 20ft shipping container. The concept offers plenty of benefits, which relate to engineering, pre-assembly, transport, assembly time at the customer’s site, and the amount of construction equipment and number of installation personnel required.

Building requirements are less stringent for a modular compound-feed installation than for a traditional installation and it allows a great degree of flexibility. The modular character of this installation design offers for modification and expansion of the compound-feed installation, at a later date. The compound-feed installation can be adapted to suit the requirements and growth of the company. Modular installations are available with a wide range of capacities from 1- 45 t/h.
Container concept
This unique solution provides a perfect installation, by significantly cutting the lead time of a project and reducing the costs, without affecting performance and functionality. It consists in dividing the plant into modules that are each the size of a standard transport container (20 ft.) and these container-modules facilitate transport by road or ship and hence no unnecessary extra costs are incurred for special transport. Moreover, the construction of the containers provides maximum protection for the process installations during transport and assembly. As these container modules have been officially certified, they can be used as standard shipping containers during shipping.
In addition to being used for transport, once the container frame arrives at its destination it can also be used as a steel structure for the tower. This has also been taken into account in the calculations for the container module (building codes). This reduces the number of shipping containers that are normally required for the shipping of a certain amount of steel for a traditional tower.
Modular compound-feed plants are built in a more compact way and rarely exceed a height of 10 metres. The low weight of the tower means that there is significantly less load on the floor, and only a small foundation is needed for the stable construction of the tower. This saves on costs for steel, the tower, the assembly and above all the foundation. The low height of the tower, which is assembled indoors, means that the tower is not affected by wind and weather conditions.
The modular construction also has the advantage of an unparalleled flexibility. The engineers can quickly and easily combine the different modules in the engineering phase to produce an optimum solution for the process concerned. Whether it is production of fish food, pet food, ruminant and poultry feeds, premixes and concentrates or even flour, a balanced solution is always available.
Containerised feed mills are often built centrally in a storage hall for raw materials and end products. Having one’s own tower has the other advantage that there are great possibilities for future expansion for such installations.
Before the design stage, a process flow diagram is drawn which forms the basis for the design of the compound-feed plant and is optimised as per the requirements of the feed miller. 
Production and installation
Next step is to produce required machines and installations, assembly at the plant and then testing. This means that these pre-assembled modules are in good condition when it arrive at the construction site, then it is assembled and connected up properly.
The modular construction, pre-assembly and test procedure ensures that installation can be assembled and commissioned more quickly. Once the modules have been placed in position, production can start in weeks, if not months, earlier. This reduced assembly time will ultimately mean savings as regards the installation person and equipment required on site for the realisation of the project. 
Finally, the containers were designed with a view to efficient, effective maintenance. This means that the parts that are prone to wear are easily accessible and maintenance cost is kept to a minimum. The compactness of the plant ensures that various process installations can be easily accessed and the entire plant can be monitored at a glance from the control room.
Modular compound-feed plants have a lot of benefits for potential customers and a virtually unlimited list of application areas. If the containerised feed mills are produced using high-quality machines, which are also used in traditional plants, it can significantly reduce the cost of the overall investment budget for the new compound-feed plant that is to be built.
A lot of the advantages of this concept can be found in the overall project costs, such as the costs of the assembly, the foundation, the construction equipment, and the number of installation personnel required. Although all of the cost items referred to, are required for both traditional and modular systems, the cost of the modular feed mill is considerably lower than those for traditional plants. This is above all because of the low construction requirements for the modular concept and the more efficient construction procedure (fewer tools and fewer personnel required) as well as a greatly reduced construction time (equipment and installation personnel are required for less time and production can start earlier).
The concept of ‘Containerised Feed Mill’ solution is already started in various fish feed plants in India. 
For further information please contact:Paul Eijmberts, Ottevanger