Articles Magazine for Grain and Feed Industry Thu, 01 Feb 2024 06:09:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Maximising Poultry Feed Performance: A guide Thu, 01 Feb 2024 06:09:39 +0000 With 142.86 crore people, India today has emerged as the most populous nation in the world. As per the latest United Nations(UN) report, by 2050, our country is projected to reside nearly 166.8 crore people. A rising population with higher disposable incomes, changing food preferences, urbanisation, and enhanced productivity have created a robust domestic demand […]

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With 142.86 crore people, India today has emerged as the most populous nation in the world. As per the latest United Nations(UN) report, by 2050, our country is projected to reside nearly 166.8 crore people. A rising population with higher disposable incomes, changing food preferences, urbanisation, and enhanced productivity have created a robust domestic demand for poultry products. Though, globally, India ranks low in per capita meat and egg consumption, as per a study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Indian consumers are recommended to consume 180 eggs and 10.5 kilos of poultry meat per annum. India can only meet the rising demand by lowering the discrepancies between consumption and production.

However, feed is the single most significant cost-incurring aspect of poultry production, accounting for nearly 60-70% of the total production cost. India’s climactic conditions, erratic monsoon, volatility in commodity markets, export obligations, and rising inflation pose mighty challenges to procuring quality raw materials at affordable prices to produce poultry feed. Feeding chickens is no joke.

To ascertain the protein and nutrient requirements of a growing population increasingly dependent on poultry products, implementing a sound feed strategy to ensure quality in poultry production is the need of the hour. Let’s dive into the current trends in the Indian poultry feed industry and probe the steps taken towards optimising and improving the obtainability of feed.

Steps Taken to Optimise Poultry Feed Production

  1. Process Optimisation in Poultry Feed Mill

A simple way to suffice the rise in demand for poultry feed is to optimize the efficiency of the existing feed, i.e., enhance productivity. Feed comprises 5 crucial stages: procuring ingredients (Monitoring the availability and pricing of required raw materials Check raw material while receiving and during storage, Sampling, Physical & Chemical check of ingredients, Protein & fat% check in soya, Carbohydrate, Fat & protein percent check in maize, check for adulteration etc.),grinding, blending, pelleting, and storage. But, the quintessential part of the manufacturing process is the pellet stage. Pelleting is converting fine mash feed into free-flowing, dense capsules. However, massive feed pellet manipulation exists during storage, transfer, and transportation. Hence, the number of pellets reaching the feeding sites is significantly lower than optimum.

Multiple factors affect pellet quality, like grinding, mixing, conditioning, and techniques. A sound way to improve feed efficiency and productivity is to enhance the Pellet Durability Index (PDI) by using an ideal combination of raw materials and implementing different machinery settings.

What Can Be Done?

  • Optimize the crushing process to achieve uniformity. Opt for roller mills instead of hammer mills in crushing. The former produces more uniform-sized particles and a homogenous ingredients mixture.
  • The steam conditioning system, usually the ranging from 80 to 85 degree celsius,must be fine-tuned to achieve adequate moisture content in the mash.(proper conditioning plays important role in the selection of the die)
  • Select the appropriate die specification, such as the closed-hole pattern. It comprises 25% more die-holes than the standard pattern and increases pellet quality. (A. Amin & Nahed Sobhi, 19th June 2023, “Process Optimisation in Poultry Feed”)
  • Prevent post-pelleting heat damage with an efficient cooling system and maintain the ideal temperature (After leaving the pellet mill, the temperature of pellets ranges between 70-90o Efficient cooling is requiring to reduce this temperature to 8oC above ambient temperature (Zimonja et al., 2007), along with reducing moisture from 15 to 17 percent down to 10 to 12 percent using a stream of ambient air (Robinson, 1976).The ambient temperatureis the temperature of the surrounding air. It can vary depending on the location and time of the year).
  • Monitor production parameters like pellet mill load, motor amperage, and feed rate (In most cases for producing large quantity of feed the feed manufacturers increases the rate of feed process which results ultimately in lower pellet quality).
  • Raw materials grinding should result in correct/uniformparticle size, and premium quality materials should be used.
  1. Integration of Technology in Feed

Optimizing feed production involves carefully breaking down the feed manufacturing process and analyzing and identifying the scope of improvement. The ideal goal is to reduce nutrient volatility in finished feed without affecting cost and quality. From batching and grinding to pelletization, automation can change the game in assessing feed quality and maintaining nutrition.

Amidst strife competition and feed comprising nearly 70% of operating costs, high-performing precision feed is necessary. To bolster feed production in these changing times, reliance on data and technology can save the day.

What Can Be Done?

  • Automated ingredient measurement: Automation permits precise weighing and management of ingredients. It minimizes the manual load and reduces errors.
  • Data analysis can accurately study the nutritional contents of raw materials, ingredient availability, and potency to maximize feed formulation efficiency.
  • Remote and real-time monitoring is possible with sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT). Machinery checks and tracking equipment performance can save costs and result in preventive preservation.
  • Use RFID to tag, track, and manage inventory. It reduces the error margin to a great extent and provides accurate ingredient availability.
  • Pellet automation reduces variability while enhancing energy consumption.
  1. The importance of RnD

Accentuating poultry feed production stands on a robust barometer of research and development. It is one such sector constantly backed by innovation and enhancing the formulation to achieve desirable FCR, eggshell strength, and increased egg production. Thus, RnD is the key to premium animal nutrition. Today, the poultry industry has transformed from a mere backyard activity to a full-fledged commercial operation, and there is a growing demand for scientific, research-backed products.

The industry has witnessed a staggering increase in Soybean and Maize prices, creating an alarming situation for poultry farmers. While the raw material prices were surging, the market rates for eggs and meat were unfavorable, posing a challenging situation for the entire industry. These situations require immediate attention to alternatives to commonly used raw materials. Let’s look at how dedicated RnD has many benefits for feed production.

What Can Be Done?

  • Optimise Nutrition Availability – With focused research, enhanced feed formulation can improve poultry health, gut, and growth.
  • Ingredient Discovery – Research can lead to the discovery of novel ingredients that have better nutrition matrices and are cost-effective. It reduces the dependency on Soybean and Maize.
  • Alternative Protein Sources – Apart from fish and bone meal, various other sources can meet the protein requirements of poultry without affecting protein digestibility.
  • Sustainability- Imbibing greener practices by switching to eco-friendly ways of developing feed and using raw materials with a lesser carbon footprint.
  • Feed processing techniques – Research is the key to developing technologies that improve pellet quality and nutrient bioavailability.
  1. Sustainable and Organic Feed formulation

Sustainability is the buzzword of the decade. Today, feed production must be economically viable and environmentally and socially conscious. Transforming feed into supreme quality poultry protein sustainably requires understanding nutrient metabolism, determining feed ingredients’ nutrient content and availability, and establishing a nutrient equilibrium.

In poultry production, where feed entails the majority of production cost, feed wastage due to disease, poor bio-security, and poor feed digestibility, among other reasons, results in poor feed digestion. It generates massive economic losses since the bird receives sub-optimal nutrition, resulting in higher FCR or high egg breakage. Feed wastage also results in increasing the nitrogen level in the environment. Thus, sustainability and organic feed formulations can positively impact feed production.

What Can Be Done?

  • Raw material Sourcing – Responsibly source ingredients with minimal carbon footprint and less environmental impact.
  • Circular economy – Recycle, repurpose, and reuse materials and by-products whenever possible. Create a closed-loop mechanism for nutrient utilization.
  • Tailored feed formulations – Veterinarians and nutritionists are constantly altering feed formulations per the poultry breed and using them to meet their genetic requirements. It reduces unnecessary feed wastage.
  • Waste Management – Utilising poultry waste as fertilizer or biofuel generation will minimize the environmental impact.
  1. Disease Mitigation in Feed

The disease poses a major challenge in producing feed. Often, the quality of raw materials is subpar, leading to anti-nutritional components that can severely affect the gut health of poultry. If preventive measures are overlooked, it can cause the death of an entire flock.

Moreover, seasonal factors are directly correlated to the susceptibility of poultry feed to diseases. For instance, during monsoons, the poultry feed can get infected with toxins. With specific feed additives, the disease can be prevented and cured. A sound feed formulation strategy can nullify the detrimental effects of disease and infection in feed. Look at the probable diseases impacting poultry feed and their combat mechanism.

What Can Be Done?

  • Salmonella & coli Contamination – These bacteria can contaminate feed ingredients commonly seen in the poultry’s gut. A consortium of probiotics, organic acids, AGPs, and non-AGPs can limit the pathogenic load of these harmful bacteria.
  • Mycotoxin Contamination – Fungal infections can contaminate the feed with mycotoxins i.e. aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, fumonisins, and zearalenone, which hampers the production & health of poultry. Use of toxin binders or detoxifiers in poultry feed can prevent the harmful effects of mycotoxins.
  • Fat Utilisation- Emulsifiers can improve the digestibility of fat & fat-soluble nutrients, promote enhanced absorption, and better utilization of dietary energy. It also boosts uniform nutrient distribution.

How Can We Help?

For a poultry farmer, feed plays a central role in deciding the successful performance of their flock. Since it constitutes the majority of production costs, constructive importance should be given to improving feed productivity and efficiency. In a country like India, multiple factors can impact feed quality, from procurement, raw materials, and disease load to climactic conditions. However, careful inspection, preventive measures, focused RnD, sustainable practices, and reliance on technology can be a game changers for this industry.

As a rule of thumb, poultry production naturally is receptive to disease challenges. With preventive measures, accurate poultry management, and advanced and reliable animal nutrition solutions, poultry farmers can ensure the health and productivity of their flocks, leading to a thriving and sustainable industry.

By Meghana Mukherjee Salvi, Glamac International Pvt Ltd

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Meat Cum Bone Meal (MBM): Exploring The Future Beyond Replacing SBM and DCP Thu, 25 Jan 2024 07:09:39 +0000 Introduction Poultry meat constitutes a significant portion, accounting for 51.14% of the overall meat production and consumption. With the escalating global population, the demand for poultry meat is expected to witness a commensurate rise. Its prevalence in the meat industry stems not only from its affordability but also from its judicious resource utilization compared to […]

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Poultry meat constitutes a significant portion, accounting for 51.14% of the overall meat production and consumption. With the escalating global population, the demand for poultry meat is expected to witness a commensurate rise. Its prevalence in the meat industry stems not only from its affordability but also from its judicious resource utilization compared to other meat sources. The poultry sector stands out as one of the industries experiencing a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8%, and demonstrating a commitment to sustainability across its operational spectrum. Nonetheless, a noteworthy aspect is that ~80% of the production costs are attributed to feed, with two primary ingredients, Maize and Soybean Meal (SBM), collectively constituting approximately 90% of the feed composition.

The meat industry is under significant scrutiny, criticized not only for concerns about animal welfare and the environmental impact of waste and methane production but predominantly for its annual conversion of thousands of hectares of forests to cultivate soybeans to meet the ever-growing demand in animal feed industry (NASA McAlpine et al. 2009 Report – Global Environmental Change). The overreliance on a singular ingredient for animal feed not only depletes forest reserves but also disrupts entire ecosystems, causing irreversible damage to the forest-vital respiratory system of our planet.

In the realm of poultry production, the industry is significantly influenced by the demand and supply dynamics of Maize and Soybean Meal (SBM). As articulated by Mr. Naveen Pasupathy, President of KPFBA, “We are more into Grain business than Poultry Business”.

Addressing this dependency becomes imperative for economic, environmental, and sustainability reasons. This can be achieved through two key strategies: exploring alternative ingredients with comparable profiles and enhancing the efficiency and inclusion levels of existing alternatives, one such promising ingredient is Meat cum Bone Meal (MBM). While MBM holds the potential to improve production, reduce feed costs, and contribute to a circular economy by utilizing meat industry by-products, optimizing its usage is a continuous, strategic process. As mentioned by Mr. Balram Singh Yadhav Godrej MD “The future in poultry is for those who work in efficiency”.

This article delves into the current advantages and limitations of MBM, exploring why nutritionists, feed manufacturers, and farmers exhibit reluctance to increase its inclusion levels. Additionally, it identifies areas for future studies and innovations aimed at effectively utilizing MBM to alleviate financial burdens on farmers, and resource burden on the planet and facilitate a circular economy.

Why is MBM Used?
MBM as Protein Source
MBM stands out as a potent protein source with a protein content ranging from 42-45% CP (Crude Protein) in some sources even to 55% and a substantial Metabolizable Energy (ME) of 2200-2400 Kcal/kg. This nutritional profile positions MBM as a viable alternative to Soybean Meal (SBM) at an inclusion rate of up to 5% in poultry feed formulations. The amino acid composition closely mirrors the ideal amino acid profile, ensuring optimal protein utilization (R. Angel, 2013).

MBM as Macro Minerals (Ca and P)
Rich in Calcium and Phosphorus, MBM provides an efficient source of these essential macro minerals. By incorporating MBM at a 3% inclusion level, the need for inorganic phosphorus sources like Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP) and Monocalcium Phosphate (MCP) can be reduced by 1% and 0.75%, respectively. This could also be used to replace 50% and above inorganic phosphorus sources in feed. To replace DCP or MCP 50% and above, careful attention should be given to the Phytase (minimum of 1000 FTU/kg feed) quality and its uniform distribution via proper mixing. (D. M. Kornegay, 2010).

MBM for Formulating Least Cost Ration
The strategic incorporation of MBM as a substitute for SBM in feed formulations leads to a notable reduction in production costs without compromising performance. In one of the articles from Dr. S.S. Pattabhirama, Nanda Group in Think Grain Think Feed has emphasized and elaborated how MBM saves approximately INR 0.35 per kg feed, please refer to table 1 & table 2 for detailed calculations.

Environmental Benefits
As the poultry sector continues its robust growth, effectively utilizing a substantial portion of meat industry by-products, such as MBM, promises dual benefits for both the poultry and meat industries and for the environment. This approach aligns with the principles of a circular economy, minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency (M. S. Fan, et al., 2007).

Why is MBM Used Only in Limited Quantities?
Inconsistent Quality
The nutrient quality of MBM is subject to significant variability, primarily attributable to two factors. Firstly, inconsistencies in the composition of offals used during MBM preparation. Secondly, the temperature, time, and pressure conditions employed in the MBM preparation process play a pivotal role in determining its final composition (M. F. Fuller, 2004).

Microbial Contamination
Due to its rich nutrient composition and handling of offals as waste material, Microbial contamination in MBM poses significant risks to both poultry and human health. Salmonella, E. coli, and Clostridium are bacteria of particular concern due to their potential impact on performance and health in birds and the risk of transmission to humans. (Jones et al., 2012) (Cooper and Songer, 2010). However, the total bacterial count should be less than 10*103 CFU per gram is acceptable. The presence of these bacteria in MBM is one of the major limiting factors for increasing inclusion levels.

Limited Shelf life
The rich fat content in MBM renders it prone to oxidative damage, posing a serious threat to its overall shelf life. The combination of high nutrient content and a conducive environment encourages rapid bacterial proliferation, intensifying the risk of spoilage over an extended duration which has a serious effect on the health and performance of the bird.

Demand and Supply
The inherent challenge of MBM production lies in its comparatively lower availability compared to Soybean Meal (SBM). As poultry feeds increasingly incorporate MBM, the demand rises and so does the rate, potentially impacting the cost-effectiveness of its usage. This dynamic is reminiscent of the challenges faced by any feed ingredient experiencing a surge in demand, necessitating a delicate balance in the market.

Necessity is the mother of Invention – Promising Future Study Areas
It is important to acknowledge that there are challenges in every ingredient that is currently used in poultry, SBM has trypsin inhibitor, GNC has Mycotoxin, Sorghum has Tannin, Jowar has Dhurin, Wheat has NSP, and so on. It is the innovation in processing technology, feed additives, supplements, government policies and availability that decides the percentage of space the ingredient takes in poultry feed formulation. Being optimistic in the use of MBM to address increasing SBM demand and rate, to reduce usage of diminishing Natural limited resources like DCP and LSP, and to facilitate a circular economy in this food industry which plays a major role in the protein security of the world is not an option but a mandate.

Processing Technologies
The key to ensuring the consistent nutritional quality of MBM lies in exploring alternative or enhanced processing technologies. Current methods effectively reduce bacterial loads of Salmonella and E. coli through heat treatment, but the resilience of Clostridium demands further refinement. Innovations in processing technologies should focus on optimizing the reduction of bacterial contamination and optimizing the nutrient level in every batch, guaranteeing a higher level of safety and quality both nutritionally and microbiologically (J. A. Byrd et al., 2011)

Additives and supplements
Exploring the use of organic or natural additives & preservatives to increase the digestibility and/or to extend the shelf life of MBM will increase the usage of MBM effectively. Organic acids, known for their antimicrobial properties, could play a pivotal role in inhibiting the growth of bacteria commonly found in MBM and improve the safety and shelf life of MBM. Keratin digesting enzymes could increase the digestibility of keratinized tissues in MBM. A systematic study on the amino acid, macro-mineral, and micro-mineral requirements when MBM is used is essential to optimize the supplements added in poultry feed formulations.

Packaging technology
Innovation in cost-effective packing material which could retain nutrient quality, prevent rancidity and bacterial growth, and improve shelf life could create a significant effect in MBM transportation and utilization across the country in various seasons.

Demand and Supply
As the convenience and efficiency of utilizing MBM improve, demand is likely to surge, potentially narrowing the competitive pricing gap with SBM. Integrating data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) into central data systems can aid in predicting demand and supply dynamics, facilitating fair pricing mechanisms for all stakeholders in the poultry industry. This approach ensures the seamless integration of MBM and all other ingredients into poultry feed formulations while maintaining economic viability (J. Zhang et al., 2018).

In conclusion, Meat Cum Bone Meal (MBM) is a promising protein source, offering a strategic avenue to curtail reliance on Soya bean Meal (SBM). Through ongoing innovations in processing techniques and meticulous studies optimizing feed formulations, MBM presents a viable opportunity to significantly reduce the dependence on SBM. This not only supports a shift towards a circular economy but also alleviates environmental strain by mitigating waste accumulation and reducing the demand for additional land resources to produce SBM. In embracing MBM, we chart a course towards sustainable poultry nutrition, reinforcing our commitment to environmental stewardship and to feed the world by using resources efficiently.

References available upon request.

by Dr Sathya Sooryan, Vetogen Animal Health

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Alternatives to Antibiotic Growth Promoters Wed, 27 Dec 2023 10:48:40 +0000 Antibiotics as growth promoters played a crucial role in the growth of the poultry industry over the last few decades by maintaining gut health which increased feed efficiency and egg production. However, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters is now causing concern due to the presence of antibiotic residues in livestock products and the […]

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Antibiotics as growth promoters played a crucial role in the growth of the poultry industry over the last few decades by maintaining gut health which increased feed efficiency and egg production.
However, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters is now causing concern due to the presence of antibiotic residues in livestock products and the emergence of superbugs – bacteria that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. A report on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance by WHO cautions about the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic treatment is at risk if remedial measures are not taken immediately. It called for the reduction of antibiotic usage in both Humans and livestock. In addition, there is a growing demand from consumers for Antibiotic-free chicken and eggs. With the ever-increasing genetic potential and advancements in nutrition with tremendous growth in poultry production, the biggest challenge for the industry is to produce Antibiotic residue-free Chicken in general or Antibiotic-free Chicken in specific.

Many alternatives for AGPs have been explored for over a decade. The term “Eubiosis” is gaining significance referring to the optimal balance of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract and the supplements which help in attaining Eubiosis is termed “Eubiotic Feed Supplements” such as Organic acids, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Essential Oils, Phytobiotics, Medium Chain Fatty Acids, Trace Minerals, and Vitamins.

Organic Acids
The addition of free organic acids and their salts in feed reduces the contamination and recontamination of feed and feed ingredients and enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes which improves the digestibility. These acids exert antimicrobial activity at the intestinal level maintaining an optimal balance of microflora. The usage of Butyric acid salt in its protected triglyceride-coated form has increased significantly due to its Target Release Action and for being a source of energy for enterocytes assisting in maintaining the health of gut epithelium which improves absorption. The usage of diformate salts as a feed additive is approved and its usage is increasing due to its effective antimicrobial effect and sustained release action.

Probiotics are defined as animal feed supplements containing live microorganisms which have a beneficial effect on the host by affecting gut microflora. The mode of action of probiotics is by competitive exclusion and antagonism. Upon consumption, probiotics reach the gut effectively blocking the intestinal receptors, and competitively exclude the pathogenic bacteria from the gut. Further, they prevent the attachment and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria by forming an aggregation. Once aggregated, they create microecology in the gut that is hostile to pathogenic microbes. Probiotics also produce and secrete antimicrobial metabolites (Bacteriocins) and prevent enterotoxin absorption. Probiotics can produce Vitamins B complex and K and have a role in stimulating an immune response. Probiotics decrease the urease enzyme activity inside the gut and reduce the production of toxic amines and ammonia. The efficiency of probiotics depends on the selected microbes, their concentration, and their stability.

Prebiotics are non-digestible feed ingredients that benefit the host by supplying nutrients to the beneficial microbes and competitively excluding the pathogenic bacteria by adhering to intestinal receptors. It also exerts its antimicrobial effect by tricking the pathogenic bacteria into attaching to the prebiotics rather than intestinal mucosa and prevents pathogenic bacterial colonization inside the gut. It has an immunomodulatory effect by direct action on macrophages and facilitates T-cell proliferation. The predominantly used prebiotics are Mannon oligosaccharides(MOS) and β-glucans.

Essential oils
Essential oils are recognized as a potential replacement for AGPs. These are the active ingredients present in various plant species, like Eugenol, Thymol, Piperine, Cinnamaldehyde.

The antibacterial activity of essential oils is not the result of one specific mode of action, but a cumulative effect on many different targets in various parts of the cell. It disintegrates the membrane of bacteria leading to the release of membrane-associated materials from the cells to the external medium, impairs the bacterial enzyme systems, and exerts its effects on the bacterial genetic material too. It also inhibits cell wall division and interferes with metabolism. Further, essential oils stimulate the growth of beneficial microbes and limit the number of pathogenic bacteria in the gut of poultry. Essential oils increase digestive enzyme secretions and have antioxidant and Immunomodulatory action.
Phytobiotics like turmeric and garlic are gaining importance among poultry producers due to their antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory effect along with improved digestive enzyme secretions.

Medium Chain Fatty acids
The usage of medium-chain fatty acids as an Eubiotic feed supplement has already gained significance in the EU due to its bactericidal properties and as an energy source for enterocytes. MCFA causes bacterial cell lysis through the invasion of the bacterial cell membrane and subsequent pH drop. It inhibits the production of lipases by the bacterium and prevents its colonization in the gut as lipases are needed for bacteria to attach to the intestinal mucosa.

Trace Minerals and Vitamins
Increased dosage of Trace Minerals (Se, Zn & Cu) and Vitamins (E & A) in the feed is practiced in the present scenario due to their antioxidant and immune modulatory effect.

Considerable research is also being carried out on Lysozymes, Lactoferrins, and bacteriocins as an alternative to AGPs. Higher inclusion costs are affecting its usage along with practical implications as of now.
Any single Eubioitc feed supplement may not replace the effect of AGP, but the judicious combination of the above aforesaid Eubiotic feed supplements has tremendous potential to replace AGPs in years to follow. A lot of trials should be conducted further to arrive at a fruitful combination of eubiotic feed supplements that can effectively replace AGPs.

by Dr J Sujith Reddy, Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Private Limited

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Unveiling the Nutritional Marvel: Silkworm Pupae as a Super food for Livestock and Beyond Wed, 27 Dec 2023 10:28:10 +0000 India, with its diverse silkworm varieties, is uniquely positioned to offer a spectrum of nutritional products, addressing specific dietary needs across the global animal husbandry landscape. With five unique farmed silkworm varieties in its arsenal, India possesses the keys to unlock a new era of sustainable, nutritious animal and pet feed. India’s prowess in sericulture […]

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India, with its diverse silkworm varieties, is uniquely positioned to offer a spectrum of nutritional products, addressing specific dietary needs across the global animal husbandry landscape. With five unique farmed silkworm varieties in its arsenal, India possesses the keys to unlock a new era of sustainable, nutritious animal and pet feed. India’s prowess in sericulture lays the foundation for a thriving industry in silkworm-based nutrition. Imagine a scenario where the vast landscapes of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal transform into hubs of sustainable silkworm farming. The potential is not just in silk but in the under explored treasure trove – the pupae.

Silkworm pupae, with their exceptional nutritional content, can be processed into high-quality protein supplements for livestock, poultry, and pets.

Silkworm Pupae in Chicken Diets: A Feathery Feast
Integrating silkworm pupae into chicken diets presents numerous advantages owing to their impressive nutritional profile. Rich in protein, silkworm pupae play a vital role in muscle development, feather growth, and overall body maintenance in chickens. Protein, an essential component in poultry diets, includes crucial amino acids such as lysine, addressing a limitation in many plant-based feed ingredients. Adequate lysine supply is vital for optimal growth and feather development.

Beyond protein, silkworm pupae boast omega-3 fatty acids associated with heart health and immune function. Their inclusion in the diet contributes to eggs with a favourable omega-3 fatty acid profile. Maintaining a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is crucial, and silkworm pupae provide the latter, ensuring a harmonious fatty acid profile.

Xanthophylls, natural pigments found in silkworm pupae, enhance egg yolk colour, a desirable trait when natural pigments are preferred. The essential minerals calcium and phosphorus contribute to bone development and eggshell formation in laying hens. The palatability of silkworm pupae encourages chickens to consume feed more readily, especially beneficial for picky eaters or during stressful periods.

Silkworm Pupae in Ruminant Diets: Revolutionizing Nutrient Utilization
Insects, including silkworm pupae, serve as a rich protein source in ruminant diets. When replacing traditional protein sources like soybean meal, insects alter the microbial population in the rumen. Studies suggest that insect meal may reduce methanogenicarchaea activity in the rumen, contributing to lower methane production—a significant environmental benefit.

Nutrient-rich silkworm pupae enhance overall nutrient utilization efficiency in ruminants, showcasing their potential to revolutionize livestock nutrition.

Silkworm Pupae: A Delight for Fish and Birds
Silkworm pupae prove to be a nutrient-rich source for the growth and health of ornamental fish and birds. Packed with essential nutrients, including proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, silkworm pupae support the development of tissues, muscles, and organs in fish and birds.

The taste and texture of silkworm pupae make them attractive to ornamental species, enticing even finicky eaters to consume a well-rounded and nutritious diet. Providing calcium for bone development in fish and eggshell formation in birds, silkworm pupae serve as a valuable addition to a varied and well-balanced diet.

Dry pupae contain 50-70% crude protein and 24-33% crude lipids and are a high-quality insect protein source with a rich, balanced content of essential amino acids. The works of various researchers on various fish species have led to the development of recommended inclusion levels of silkworm pupae meal in the diet of the following aquaculture species: 30-50% for major and minor carps, 5-15% for trout, 50-60% for masher, 75-100% for catfish, 30-40% for ornamental fishes and 5-20% for shellfishes that has the potential to give similar growth performance compared to fish meal. Black soldier Fly larvae protein and silkworm Pupae protein between 5-10% inclusion levels proved beneficial for white-legged Shrimp Diets.

Beyond physical benefits, silkworm pupae contribute to enhanced coloration in ornamental species. The natural pigments and nutrients in silkworm pupae foster vibrancy and coloration, while the included vitamins and minerals support the immune system, making fish and birds more resilient to diseases and stress.

The Global Shift: Insect-Based Pet Foods
Insect-based pet foods are gaining traction globally, with various insect species finding their way into formulations. Silkworm Pupae, alongside other insects like Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Mealworms, Crickets, Grasshoppers, and Locusts, is becoming a staple in pet food formulations. Dedicated pet food, treats, and supplement brands, including industry giants like Nestle and Mars, are investing in insect-based ranges.

While several reasons advocate for the superiority of insect-based foods for dogs over traditional meat sources, the primary challenge lies in pet parent acceptance. Silkworm Pupae, with its unique 1-DNJ content, offers a compelling proposition, potentially revolutionizing the perception of insect-based dog foods.

In conclusion, Silkworm Pupae emerges as a nutritional powerhouse with far-reaching implications in livestock, pet, and even human nutrition. Its multifaceted benefits, coupled with sustainability advantages, position it as a frontrunner in the ever-evolving landscape of animal nutrition. As we continue to explore innovative sources of nutrition, the unassuming silkworm pupa proves that small insects can indeed make a big impact on the well-being of our feathered, finned, and furry companions.

by Ankit Alok Bagaria, Loopworm

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Unveiling the Hidden Power of Trace Minerals in Animal Nutrition Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:18:10 +0000 In the intricate world of animal nutrition, the significance of supplementing trace elements like Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Iodine (I), and Selenium (Se) cannot be overstated. These elements play a pivotal role in ensuring the health and performance of livestock. However, the basal amounts of these trace elements found in standard […]

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In the intricate world of animal nutrition, the significance of supplementing trace elements like Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Iodine (I), and Selenium (Se) cannot be overstated. These elements play a pivotal role in ensuring the health and performance of livestock. However, the basal amounts of these trace elements found in standard commercial feeds simply fall short of meeting the animals’ requirements.

The key to unlocking the full potential of these vital trace elements lies in its bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the retention of a trace element within the gut intestinal tract and is profoundly influenced by antagonistic interactions, particularly in poultry where phytate emerges as the arch-nemesis of essential trace minerals. Phytate forms stubborn complexes with these minerals, rendering them insoluble and thus unavailable for absorption. To combat this antagonism, numerous trace mineral sources have been developed based on solubility and chemical bonding.

But that’s not all; the timing and level of trace mineral delivery also come into play. This realization has led to a groundbreaking concept in trace mineral solutions – the fusion of organic and hydroxy minerals. This innovative approach has the potential to not only maintain but also elevate animal performance under various farm conditions. It’s imperative to emphasize that the proper timing and dosage of trace elements are paramount for ensuring optimal animal performance.

In today’s world, livestock producers face immense challenges due to stringent governmental regulations aimed at addressing environmental concerns. The novel ideas discussed above offer a glimmer of hope, promising improved absorption and reduced trace element supplementation, all while preserving production performance.

In Bonds We Trust: How Bonding Revolutionizes Trace Mineral Bioavailability
Commonly used trace mineral sources in animal nutrition include sulfate-based and oxide-based minerals, primarily chosen for their affordability. Sulfate trace minerals form ionic bonds with sulfate ligands, readily dissolving in water at a neutral pH, but their instability leads to complexation with phytate, reducing bioavailability. Conversely, oxide minerals form covalent bonds, rendering them insoluble in neutral pH and partially soluble in low pH, further hindering absorption.

To overcome these challenges, organic trace minerals and hydroxy trace minerals have emerged. Organic trace minerals shield metal centers with amino acids or proteinate ligands, limiting the formation of phytate complexes. Hydroxy trace minerals, with their unique covalent crystal structure, prevent phytate complexation and gradually dissolve at low pH, enhancing absorption. Additionally, hydroxy minerals boast cost-effective hydroxy and chloride ligands.

Comparative studies reveal that both organic and hydroxy trace minerals significantly outperform sulfate sources, with hydroxy and organic trace minerals yielding similar results. For instance, in broilers, hydroxy Zn and organic Zn show 144% and 142% improved bioavailability compared to Zinc sulfate (Figure 1).

Precision Matters: The Power of Optimal Particle Size and Density
Particle size and density often go overlooked when selecting trace mineral sources. Ideal particle size and density minimize feed segregation and ensure proper mixability during production. These considerations are crucial, particularly for animals with low feed intake, as it guarantees that their limited consumption contains all vital nutrients, including minerals. This improved mixability can be done through a patented process (Optisize technology) of creating optimal particles that ensures particle size consistency and highly uniform. Confirmed through laser diffraction analysis, the process results in the ideal particle size (150-300 µm) with the ideal density (0.8-1.0 g/mL), whether it is zinc, iron or manganese, for improved blending/mixing, flowability, and reduce the carry-over risk.

Studies conducted with different trace element sources, such as MnSO4 and Hydroxy Mn, indicate improved mixing in complete feeds, enhancing feed quality and nutrient distribution. This is measured through an improve coefficient of variation or CV (lower % cv indicates better mixing, Figure 2). The mixability of trace elements in a diet is of particular importance to young animals, as they have a lower feed intake and therefore more important to get all the required nutrients, especially minerals, despite the low feed intake.

Moreover, spherical particles in hydroxy minerals reduce dust potential, reducing mineral source losses during handling.

Furthermore, hydroxy minerals with spherical particles reduced “dustiness” of the product, leading to a lower dust potential (a lower number of dust potential indicates a lower loss of mineral source, see Figure 3) and this also lessens the chance inhalation of the product by workers in the feed mill or premix facility. Although a larger mineral particle size is preferred in feed or premix production, within the animal, it is the other way around. With a smaller particle size, this will lead to a larger surface area, allowing for an improved availability of the mineral.

The Strength of Synergy: The Power of Combining Organic and Hydroxy Trace Minerals
While the practice of combining different trace element sources is not new, recent developments have brought forth a game-changing concept: the 70:10 ratio of hydroxy to organic minerals. This innovation stems from the collaborative efforts of leading industry experts and academic professionals dedicated to optimizing animal productivity and well-being.

Research demonstrates that the combination of hydroxy and organic minerals far surpasses sulfate, hydroxy, or organic-only sources, as well as combinations of sulfate and organic minerals in terms of animal performance (Figure 4).

In another study, the results clearly showed that a combination of 70 ppm Zn from hydroxy mineral plus 10 ppm Zn from organic mineral was superior in terms of end body weight as well as improving feed conversion (Figure 5).

This synergy results from the complementary release profiles of the two technologies, allowing animals to absorb trace minerals efficiently throughout their intestinal tract. Thus, once hydroxy minerals reach the area of low pH they slowly begin to release the small molecules of soluble metals one layer at a time while organic minerals maintain their structural integrity. Given the different molecular structures of the soluble metals from hydroxy and organic minerals, their absorption is extended further down the gut intestinal tract (Figure 6).

In conclusion, the choice of a trace mineral source is pivotal for supporting productivity, animal health, and environmental sustainability. When choosing the right minerals, remember that the bonding type determines bioavailability, the particle size, density and synergy between two sources enhances efficacy. The combination of organic and hydroxy trace minerals presents a revolutionary solution, offering precise trace element delivery and enhanced absorption, ultimately leading to optimal animal performance. In a world with ever-increasing challenges, these innovations provide a beacon of hope for the future of animal nutrition.

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Acidomix DF+: An Unique Solution for Improved Productivity and Salmonella Control in Broilers and Layers. Sat, 25 Nov 2023 06:19:39 +0000 Organic acids have long been used in animal nutrition, usually to stabilize compound feed, but also to enhance animal performance. In poultry one of the first reports of improved broiler performance when diets were supplemented with single acids was for formic acid (Vogt et al., 1981).Later, similar effects were noticed for fumaric acid (Patten et […]

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Organic acids have long been used in animal nutrition, usually to stabilize compound feed, but also to enhance animal performance. In poultry one of the first reports of improved broiler performance when diets were supplemented with single acids was for formic acid (Vogt et al., 1981).Later, similar effects were noticed for fumaric acid (Patten et al, 1988; Kirchgessner et al., 1991; Skinner et al., 1991). Izat et al. (1990a) found significantly reduced levels of Salmonella spp. in carcass and caecal samples after including calcium formate in broiler diets. In another trial from Izat et al. (1990b), buffered propionic acid was used to counteract pathogenic microflora in the intestine and carcass of broiler chickens, and resulted in a significant reduction in E. coli and Salmonella spp. The use of pure formic acid in breeder feed reduced the contamination of tray liners and hatchery waste with S. enteritidis drastically (Humphrey et al., 1988). Kirchgessner et al. (1992) found significantly better feed utilization in laying hens after adding fumaric acid, but only when the feed was low in protein and methionine and cysteine. Performance enhancement was influenced by both quantity and quality of the protein. Although growth performance benefits of organic acids and their salts have been shown in numerous studies over the past half-century, the significant increase in scientific and commercial focus shifted on it only after ban on antimicrobial growth promoters in Europe.

An important limitation, however, is that organic acids are rapidly metabolised in the foregut (crop to gizzard) of birds, which will reduce their impact on growth performance. A new molecule (sodium diformate, similar to potassium diformate) has been proven to be effective against pathogenic bacteria, including salmonella, along the whole gastro-intestinal tract (Lückstädt et al., 2009). The reduced impact of pathogenic bacteria on the broiler, as well as the improved gut microflora, leading to a state of eubiosis in treated chickens, suggests that including sodium diformate in broiler diets will also result in improved bird performance. Several trials have also been carried out over the last half-decade world-wide that document positive effects on broiler performance.

It was therefore interesting to estimate the potential impact of sodium diformate (Acidomix DF+) in poultry production and Salmonella control through an analysis of the results of such trials. 

Effect of Acidomix DF+ on Broiler Performance

This study analyzed the average impact from all studies on the effect of the additive on the performance parameters weight gain, feed efficiency, mortality, and productivity, as measured using the European Broiler Index, (EBI). EBI is calculated using the following equation:

EBI = ADG [g] × survival [%] / (10 × FCR)

The final dataset contained the results of 8 documented, negatively controlled studies, comprising 17 trials with DF+-inclusion, which ranged from 0.1% to 0.6%. Those studies were carried out between 2006 and 2012 across the world under both commercial and institutional conditions and included more than 36,700 broilers from different breeds (Arbor Acres, Cobb, Hubbard) raised to between 35 and 44 days.The above-mentioned performance parameters are expressed as percentage difference from the negative control. The results are given as mean and were statistically analysed using the t-test. A confidence level of 95% was defined for these analyses.

The average level of dietary DF+ from the dataset in all treated broilers was 0.28%. Typical dosage for DF+ in broilers ranges from 1-2 kg/tone feed, depending on age (dietary protein level) and hygienic status of the farm. As shown in Table 1, DF+ inclusion resulted in a numerical increase in feed intake of 1.1% (P=0.22).

Table 1. Performance analysis of 17 trials with broilers, fed diets with Acidomix DF+, expressed as an average percentage difference from negative control.

Dosage Feed intake Weight gain FCR Survival EBI
0.28 +1.1 +5.2 -4.1 +2.3 +12.4
P-value 0.22 0.0001 0.002 0.034 0.0005


The performance of broilers based on daily gain was significantly increased by 5.2% (P<0.001). Furthermore, the FCR was also significantly improved (4.1%; P<0.01). Survival was increased on average by 2.3% (P<0.05). Finally, the EBI improved significantly due to the inclusion of NDF by 12.4% (P<0.001). In broilers, improved zootechnical performance is thought to stem from both improvements in the intestinal microflora, as a result of suppressing pathogenic bacterial species, and improved protein digestion. As often seen with other additives, hygiene challenge also plays some role in the performance observed. In the present performance analysis, a range of hygiene conditions were included, representing both university and farm trials. The average impact of DF+ inclusion on performance remained above that normally expected. It can therefore be concluded that dietary sodium diformate (Acidomix DF+) can play an important role in improving broiler production world-wide, especially in times of high raw material prices.

Effect of Acidomix DF+ on Salmonella Control 

Salmonella ranks among the world’s biggest threats to health. Annually, it has been estimated that cases of human salmonellosis in the United States may actually vary from 2 to 4 million (Jones, 2011). Developing and implementing effective Salmonella monitoring, reporting and control systems is prioritised in many countries. Salmonella is often associated with poultry products, mainly chicken and eggs. Salmonella is widely distributed in nature (Winfield and Groisman, 2003) and can survive for an extended period of time on diverse materials (Humphrey, 2004). Since its discovery in the late 19th Century, more than 2,500 different serovars have been discovered.These have emerged over the past 30 years, in parallel with the development of intensive systems of animal husbandry. In the European Union, the proportion of Salmonella and E. coli isolates resistant to ampicillin, sulfonamides and tetracycline were found to vary between 5 and 68 % in poultry, pigs and cattle. Some Member States reported a high occurrence of fluoroquinolone resistance in Salmonella isolates from poultry (5-38%), (EFSA, 2010).

The risks posed by contamination with pathogenic bacteria in the food chain can be reduced without the prophylactic use of antibiotics. Applying appropriate control measures at intervention points in the food chain can help reduce the risk of Salmonella proliferation. While Salmonella cannot be fully eradicated in poultry units, it can be controlled to minimise the risk to consumers. According to Jones (2011) Salmonella control measures in feed can be divided into three major categories: prevent contamination of the facility; measures to reduce multiplication of the bacteria in the plant; and procedures to kill the pathogen. Biosecurity plays a significant role in Salmonella control. In feed compounding, although heat treatment is effective in reducing contamination of feed leaving the feed mill, this effect does not persist during transport, storage and subsequent out-feeding. When conditions within the feed are less conducive to bacterial infection, Salmonella contamination can be reduced. The next critical control point is within the bird, where conditions for bacterial growth are optimal. Salmonella growth is optimal between 35 and 37°C, with moisture content greater than 12% and a pH of 4.5-9.0. Jones (2011) suggests addition of chemical agents to the feed to control Salmonella. This may primarily involve the use of organic acids.

Since the 1980’s, reports have shown organic acids, and formic acid in particular, to be especially effective against Salmonella, when used in poultry diets. The use of pure formic acid in breeder diets reduced the contamination of tray liners and hatchery waste with S. enteritidis drastically (Humphrey and Lanning, 1988). By 1990, researchers in the US found significantly reduced levels of Salmonella spp. in carcass and caecal samples, after including calcium formate in broiler diets (Izatet al., 1990). Further research (Kovarik and Lojda, 2000) reported that inclusion of formic acid at 0.5% in the diet can be successfully used on farms to reduce salmonella contamination in the feed, excretion of Salmonella spp. and re-infection of chicken populations.

A number of practical considerations also need to be addressed. Pure formic acid, although it is very effective in controlling Salmonella in feed, is corrosive, hazardous, and volatile, so is difficult to handle easily and safely in the feed mill. Furthermore, pelleting may incur losses of around 15% of the acid. Often, liquid and volatile acids exert their antibacterial effects only in the feed and the birds’ foregut. More recently, research has focused on overcoming these limitations to develop chemical compounds which are heat-stable, non-corrosive and yet still effective. Sodium diformate (Acidomix DF+, hereafter abbreviated as DF+) satisfies such industry requirements. An organic acid salt, it is crystalline and non-volatile, meaning that it can be used safely in the feed mill, as well as being effective in the animal.

A UK-study evaluated the anti-Salmonella effects of DF+ in vitro, against Salmonella enteritidis (SE)S9549/07 found in broiler flocks (Wales et al., 2013). Caecal and crop samples were taken from slaughtered broilers from small-scale commercial operations. Caecal contents were used fresh; crop contents were stored at -80°C and thawed before use. Both were mixed with quarter strength Ringer’s solution (crop at a 1:1 ratio; caecal contents at 1:2). DF+ was added to 20g aliquots in tubes. These were incubated in a water bath for 10 minutes at 41.5°C, after which time a 0.1ml stationary phase SE culture was added. All preparations were vortex mixed and incubated at 41.5°C. After various time intervals (1, 4 or 8 hours for crop contents; 1, 4, 9 and 24 hours for caecal contents), 5g aliquots were taken, mixed with buffered peptone water (BPW) and prepared for Salmonella enumeration. SE counts were recorded as a log reduction, compared to the negative control.

The objective of the second study was to evaluate the effect of DF+ in broilers in vivo, on the control of bacterial contamination in the digestive tract in comparison to a negative control in-vivo (Lückstädt and Theobald, 2009). 1125 broilers were distributed in 9 batches of 125 birds each (5 batches in the treatment; control with 4 batches only). The broilers were fed the following program: starter diet for 21 days, grower diet for 18 days and finisher diet for 3 days only. Birds were treated with 0.3% DF+. After 39 days of treatment, before the finisher feed was given, 10 birds from each of the 3 treatments were taken for further microbial analysis and were screened for Salmonella.The collected data were analysed with ANOVA by the StatisticsXL program. A P<0.05 value was considered to be a significant result.

In vitro study

Table 1 shows the log reduction in SE counts after application of sodium diformate at the manufacturer’s maximum recommended dose (0.6%) to samples of crop or caecal contents; this dosage was used for the laboratory test. In practice lower dosages are used. There, and especially in broiler production the recommended dosage for an anti-Salmonella effect lies at 1-2 kg/t.

Table 2. Reduction in Salmonella enteritidis (log10) over time in crop or caecal content treated with 0.6% DF+ (after Wales et al., 2013).

1 h 4 h 8 h 9 h 24 h
Crop contents 3 >6 >6 n.d.* n.d.*
Caecum contents 1 1 n.d.* 2 4

*not determined

In the crop, exposure of inoculated crop contents to DF+ resulted in a log 3 reduction in SE counts after 1 hour, reducing further to >log 6 at both 4 and 8 hours. Anti-Salmonella activity in the crop, by rapidly reducing the crop pH and killing Salmonella, may be particularly suited to combating the ingested pathogen from various contamination vectors (feed, environment, litter, etc.).

In caecal contents, only log 1 reduction in SE count was observed after 1 hour incubation, reducing further to log 2 reduction after 9 hours, compared to the negative control. This effect was further pronounced after 24 hours’ incubation, with a reduction in SE count of log 4. Since the retention time in the hindgut of chickens is significantly longer, compared to the ‘foregut’ (crop, gizzard, proventriculus), the reduction in SE count after 24 hours may allow for a continuation of protection against the pathogen. The strong results with a reduction of up to 6 logs (see table above) suggest that also a lower dosage will show significant results, since it has to be mentioned that a reduction by log 2 means already 99% lower Salmonella levels. This approach was used in the in vivo study below. 

In vivo study

Results of the in vivo study are shown in Table 3 (Lückstädt and Theobald, 2009). No positive samples were found for Salmonella in the crop (P=0.15) or intestine (P=0.15) at 0.2% (the recommended commercial dose in case of a suspected pathogenic challenge).

Table 3. Results of sodium diformate (DF+) on Salmonella inhibition (% positive samples) in broiler chickens (after Lückstädt and Theobald, 2009).

Organs Control DF+ 0.3%
Crop (microbiol.) 20 0
Intestine (microbiol.) 20 0
Faeces (microbiol.) 25 0
Meat (serol.) 0 0


Further studies on the anti-Salmonella effect of DF+ were carried out in the Ukraine at the Animal Agriculture Institute of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine (2012). In that trial Cobb 500 birds were challenged with feed which contained 109 CFU/ml Salmonella Typhimurium (strain no. 371). The trial lasted for a period of 6 weeks. Organs of birds (heart, lung and spleen) as well as intestine and manure were tested for Salmonella in birds fed with (0.3%) or without DF+. After the trial the negative control had positive samples of Salmonella in all organs, the intestine, and the manure – whereas in the DF+ treated group the Salmonella was below the detection level.

The above stated trials are in-line with experience from users of DF+ in Europe and Asia. The product is used for its anti-bacterial action, against Salmonella or E.coli, for instance in Germany, UK and Spain – or if talking about Asia, e.g. in India or the Philippines. Here, customers use the recommended dosage for the anti-Salmonella effect of 3 kg/t as long as the thread of the bacteria is present. After that, the normal broiler dosage of 1-2 kg/t of finished feed is recommended.

However, it has to be stated that the currently reduced threat with Salmonella in Europe – latest figures from the EU zoonosis report (EFSA, 2021) report only 60.000 cases of Salmonellosis in humans (which is a reduction from more than 131.000 cases in 2008 – EFSA zoonosis report 2010) cannot be alone accounted for the use of acidifiers like DF+, but has to be seen as a combination of increased biosecurity and improved management in general, which includes however the use of additives with anti-Salmonella action.

Acidomix DF+ Helps to Improve Productivity in Layers. 

A meta-analysison its impact on broiler performance in Eastern Europe isavailable. However, its impact in layer production systems there was yet to be thoroughly investigated. 

This study analysed the average impact from all studies carried out in Eastern Europe on the effect of the additive on the laying rate of Lohmann Brown hens. The final dataset contained the results of 6trials with DF+-inclusion, which ranged from 0.1% to 0.15%.The total number of layers used in the trials was more than 200,000 and the bird age ranged from 48 to 78 weeks. Results of the meta-analysis are expressed as percentage difference from the negative control. A P<0.05 value was considered significant. 

The average level of dietary DF+-inclusion from the dataset in all treated layers was 0.14%. The performance of layers based on hen-day (HD) percentage was significantly increased by 5.4% (P=0.002), from 88.5% HD in the negative control to 93.1% HD in the DF+-groups. Furthermore, the uniformity was improved in the treated group (Table 4). 

Table 4: Effect ofAcidomix DF+ (DF+) on the hen-day percentage of Lohmann Brown hens (Meta-analysis based on 6 trials). 

Control DF+ Difference (%) P-value Age in weeks
88.5±2.9 93.1±1.0 5.4±2.6 0.002 59.5±10.5


Graph 1: Comparative analysis of hen-day production (%) in control and DF+ treatment groups in Lohman Brown layers.

A significant difference (P=0.02) in performance was noted between younger and older hens (Table 5): birds less than 55 weeks of age had only an improvement of 2.0% (P=0.02) against the negative control; hens above 55 weeks of age achieved a highly significant improved HD percentage of 7.7% (P=0.007).

Table 5: Effect of AcidomixDF+ on the hen-day percentage (HD%) of young (<55 weeks) and old (>55 weeks) hens.

Age in weeks Control NADF Difference (%) P value
HD% <55 Weeks 90.9±1.1 93.7±0.8 3.0±0.9 0.019


HD% >55 Weeks 86.0±1.8 92.5±0.8 7.7±1.5 0.007


Graph 2: Comparative analysis of effect of Acidomix DF+ on hen-day production(%) in young and old hens. 


Above studies clearly indicate the huge benefits of using organic acids (Acidomix DF+) in broilers as well as layers. Some of the key take aways from these studies are as follows:

  1. Inclusion of Acidomix DF+ showed significant increase in weight gain in broilers compared to control groups.
  2. Inclusion of Acidomix DF+ showed significant decline in %mortality and FCR in broilers compared to control groups.
  3. Acidomix DF+ inclusion showed significant reduction of Salmonella in crop and caeca of the birds conferring long term protection against Salmonellain vitro as well as in vivo.
  4. Inclusion of Acidomix DF+ showed significant increase in hen-day production in late lay (post 55 weeks) stage.

by Christian Lückstädt, Addcon Asia Ltd, India

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Hemp – An Alternative and Sustainable Aquafeed Ingredient Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:43:23 +0000 Aquaculture is quickly developing around the world, and one of the driving reasons behind this success and expansion is aqua feeds and their nutritional composition, creating a demand for specific and specially formulated feeds and feed ingredients. Traditional feedstuffs (fish meal and fish oil) are encountering sustainability difficulties as natural stocks diminish, prompting nutritional research […]

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Aquaculture is quickly developing around the world, and one of the driving reasons behind this success and expansion is aqua feeds and their nutritional composition, creating a demand for specific and specially formulated feeds and feed ingredients.

Traditional feedstuffs (fish meal and fish oil) are encountering sustainability difficulties as natural stocks diminish, prompting nutritional research into alternatives. Because of its sustainable production and impressive nutritional characteristics, hemp seed meal has shown promise as an alternative feed ingredient in aquaculture.

Hemp (Cannabis sativa), a member of the Cannabaceae family, is an annual plant native to Central Asia. It has long been valued for its medical properties and textile applications. The seeds are brown with deeper brown streaks and measure 2.5-3.5 mm in length. Although the high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in hemp seeds are responsible for central nervous system depression, which hampered the widespread use of hemp in the food industry, the production of industrial hemp with a THC level of less than 0.3% facilitated the commercialization of hemp-based foods in China, Canada, and several other countries. In fact, China leads the industry, supplying half of the world’s industrial hemp, followed by Canada, Chile, France, and Spain. They have been utilized in medicine and food homology, due to their high nutritional value. Furthermore, hemp plants are pest and disease-resistant, and apart from that, they contribute to the reduction of greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere.

Hempseed meals include up to 50% protein and a balanced ratio of all essential amino acids. Also, hemp seed proteins contain significantly more arginine and sulfur-containing amino acids than most plant proteins, notably soybean and wheat proteins. It also has equivalent quantities of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, phenylalanine, histidine, and arginine as fish meal. It has been discovered that in comparison to other plant proteins, hemp seed protein contained extremely few anti-nutritional components and was hence more digestible. House et al. (2010) observed that the protein digestibility of dehulled hemp seed ranges from 90.8 to 97.5%, which is nearly equal to casein digestibility (97.6%). Several studies have found that hemp seed protein hydrolysates have numerous biological activities like antioxidant, antihypertensive, acetylcholinesterase inhibition, glucosidase inhibition, anti-cancer, anti-fatigue, neuroprotection, and lipid metabolism disorder-regulating effects. Hemp seed protein concentrate typically includes more than 65% protein by dry weight.

The digestibility of hemp seed isolate protein was found to be equivalent to that of soybean protein isolates for pepsin digestion, whereas digestibility (88-91%) was significantly greater than that of soybean protein isolates (71%) for pepsin + trypsin digestion.

Hemp seed oil has an ideal ratio of Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and Omega-6 linoleic acid. It is lower in saturated fatty acids than other similar oils and is a more sustainable choice because it is extracted from a plant that uses little water and captures as much as 8 times more carbon than a majority of trees.

Hemp in Animal Diets
Aqua – Sample (2022) discovered that in striped bass diets, up to 50% of fish meal can be replaced with hemp seed meal without impacting growth or digestibility.

Poultry – The hemp seed meal had a 5:1 ratio of Omega-6 (linoleic plus γ-linolenic acid) to Omega-3 (α-linolenic) fatty acids. Adding hemp seed meal to laying hens’ diets reduced the percentage of palmitic acid in the yolk while increasing the percentages of linoleic and α-linolenic acids(Silversides et al., 2002).

Dairy – Hempseed cake was used as a protein feed instead of soybean meal in intensively fed developing calves, and it resulted in equal weight gain and carcass characteristics, as well as enhanced rumen function, due to the increased fiber content of hemp seed cake compared to soybean meal (Eriksson, 2007).

Legality and Viability
India – Uttarakhand became the first Indian state to legalize hemp production in July 2018. Obviously, it is now India’s largest hemp producer. Hemp seed and its products have lately been recognized as food or food ingredients by the FSSAI.

Furthermore, the FSSAI’s recent notification supports the Uttarakhand government’s intention to reinterpret its industrial hemp policy and award India’s first hemp-growing license. To expand the scale and scope of the hemp business, the State Government supports a number of Self-help groups and farmer groups using a purchasing power parity strategy.

The Centre for Aromatic Plants, Selaqui, Dehradun, has been designated as a nodal agency for industrial hemp cultivation.

UK – Following an

investigation of the impact of hemp protein on the health and welfare of farmed Atlantic salmon in Scotland, a team of UK researchers (University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture and Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre) plans to employ hemp seed as a sustainable source of protein for Scottish salmon feeds. Rare Earth Global, a grower of industrial hemp for a variety of sustainable products, is the organization driving the program. The findings of this study may result in the first use of hemp as an aquafeed ingredient.

USA – Along with the legalization of hemp as an agricultural crop in the United States, there is a rising movement to incorporate hemp byproducts into cattle diets as a viable feedstuff. Many studies have found hempseed cake to be highly nutritious and a feasible alternative feed option for cattle due to its high protein and fat content. A pro-hemp organization in the United States has applied to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate the use of hemp in fish and other animal feeds.

China has a century-long tradition of hemp cultivation and is the world’s largest producer of hemp seeds. It was reported as one of the five grains of ancient China and has been used as human food and animal feed for more than 3,000 years. The Chinese hemp business is gathering steam, with a special emphasis on two major markets: textiles and well-being. Because of its health benefits, hempseed is still a favorite snack among people in Yunnan, Guangxi, and Xinjiang.

South East Asia-Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to fully legalize the use of cannabis for food-related purposes in July 2022.
South Africa- The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development issued amendments in October 2021 to obtain a Hemp Permit from the Department to import, export, grow, and market hemp.

Australia – Hemp is a new crop in Australia, and its potential as an animal feed has yet to be completely realized. The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code was revised to permit the sale of food made from low-delta 9-THC hemp in Australia and New Zealand. These changes went into effect on November 12, 2017.


There is still a lack of understanding about the distinctions between industrial hemp and drug hemp. As a result, further basic and applied research on the potential benefits and applications of hemp seed is required to fully exploit the competitive advantages of hemp seed protein and oil in the aqua feed sector.
References available on request

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Toxin Binder Clays: Unravelling The Evolutionary Journey & Nomenclature Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:25:29 +0000 The animal feed industry uses a wide range of inorganic compounds, collectively referred to as clays or toxin binders. It may be interesting to know about its emergence, widespread use, effectiveness, and other related factors. Clay is a heavy type of soil that has unique properties. When wet, it is sticky and mushy, and when […]

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The animal feed industry uses a wide range of inorganic compounds, collectively referred to as clays or toxin binders. It may be interesting to know about its emergence, widespread use, effectiveness, and other related factors.

Clay is a heavy type of soil that has unique properties. When wet, it is sticky and mushy, and when dried or heated, it hardens. In fact, the first-ever ceramic substance discovered was clay.

Clay is inherently inorganic and a product of natural mines. They are simply endowed with a variety of innate qualities by the earth, which carves them into its crust. There are approximately 90 elements in the earth’s crust, but only a few are necessary to create soil, rocks, and minerals. Some “non-silicate” minerals, such as carbonates, oxides, halides, sulphites, etc., are composed of these elements but are not the subject of the discussion here. Here we discuss the remaining 90% of the earth’s crust, which has the highest concentration of silicon.

The form of silicon that is present in the crust of the earth is silicon dioxide, usually referred to as “quartz” (SiO2). It may easily combine with other substances to create “Silicates,” which then act as adsorbents.

Silicon Dioxide bonds very easily with native minerals, aluminium & we get our next abundant constituent, the “Aluminosilicates”. Silicon dioxide (Silicates) together with Sodium & Potassium forms Sodium silicate or Potassium silicate commonly known as “Feldspar” (an important ingredient of drinking glasses & window panes). Here is the classification of Silicates & further Aluminosilicates in brief.

Silicates and Aluminosilicates
A basic silicate is a mineral containing silicon & oxygen in tetrahedral (SiO4)4- units, which are linked together in different patterns.

We categorise these silicates using names that reflect the diverse forms they take on when numerous of them align. (classification I)

The formation of HSCAS
The SiO2 (or Silicate) always reacts with one or the other metal cations like Sodium, to form Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3), with Calcium to form Calcium Silicate (Ca2SiO4), Magnesium to form Magnesium Silicate (MgSiO3), Potassium to form Potassium Silicates (K2O3Si) or Aluminium to form Aluminium silicate, commonly, Aluminosilicates. Aluminosilicates may be hydrated or anhydrous, which may occur in nature as minerals or may be synthetically produced for commercial purposes. When aluminosilicates occur with one or more cation, like sodium and calcium, we call them, Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicates, when it is hydrated, it is named Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicates (HSCAS), sometimes they are known as hydrated Bentonites and commonly as Zeolites.

Further, the framework silicates, the 2D silicates with plate-like arrangement or phyllosilicates, and the 3D Silicates or net-like arrangement or tectosilicates (Classification I) along with metal cations are broadly used as clays for toxin binding and can be further classified as follows.

Some phyllosilicates possess coordinated positions with two of the octahedral sites occupied by metal cations are called Dioctahedral phyllosilicates and the phyllosilicates with three octahedral sites occupied by metal cations are called Trioctahedral phyllosilicates. One tetrahedral sheet for each octahedral sheet represents 1:1 Phyllosilicates and similarly, one tetrahedral sheet for two octahedral sheets represents 1:2 Phyllosilicates. These ratios represent the number of cations that the clay or phyllosilicates can acquire and are associated with the CEC value of the clay. CEC, the Cation Exchange Capacity of clay is a property, that determines its efficacy in sequestering polar toxins. CEC becomes more important when selecting the clays as a toxin binder and the extent to which they can spare the essential nutrients in animal feed. Various silicates highlighted in the classification are among the most suitable clays that are commonly used in animal feed to bind various toxins.

The nomenclature story of clays
We often come across various names that are associated with the clays, the very common being the Bentonite. Let us unravel how these names are being conferred. “Bentonite” got its name from the place, Fort Benton, in Montana state of the USA, where it was discovered. Bentonite is typically a name given to the phyllosilicate of the Smectite class that is predominantly a Montmorillonite, as classified. Bentonites are one of the first rocky formations of swelling type of clays. (Informativa E Prestazione DCASD 196/2003). Similarly, “Montmorillonite” got its name from the place, Montmorillonite, a commune in France, where it was discovered. Whereas, by classification, it is a Smectite clay which is dioctahedral in its structure. In nature, Montmorillonite occurs along with metal cations like Sodium and Calcium and is often identified as Na-Montmorillonite and Ca-Montmorillonite. Further, Saponite, a phyllosilicate of the smectite class, got its name from Latin sapon, meaning soap, because of its appearance and ability to clean. The name “Kaolinite”, a phyllosilicate, got its name after the Kao-ling, a mountain in Jiangxi Province of China, where this silicate was first identified. Kaolinite was the first sample of clays used in the manufacturing of porcelain. “Illite” a non-expanding phyllosilicate of the mica category, interestingly, got its name from the place of its origin, Illinois in the USA. We might just have categorized the clays as phyllosilicates or tectosilicates based on their structural makeup, and we might be using them as toxin binders in our practice.

The classification, simplification, and differentiation of clays based on their common names and the rationale behind their nomenclature, on the other hand, is always interesting. Together with varying degrees of expandability and cationic exchange capacity, all the clays are efficient enough to bind various toxins in animal feed electrostatically and therefore are the super engineers.

by Dr. Rajib Upadhyaya, Cargill India

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Meenakshi’s Dairy Transformation: A Tale of SmartFarming Sun, 08 Oct 2023 07:31:52 +0000 In the quiet countryside of India, where open fields and cows have been part of farming for generations, something exciting is happening. This is the story of Meenakshi, a hardworking dairy farmer from a peaceful Indian village in Karnataka who started her journey in dairy farming with just two cows and one calf, aspired to […]

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In the quiet countryside of India, where open fields and cows have been part of farming for generations, something exciting is happening. This is the story of Meenakshi, a hardworking dairy farmer from a peaceful Indian village in Karnataka who started her journey in dairy farming with just two cows and one calf, aspired to grow her herd and improve her family’s livelihood by making the most of her dairy farming activities. Her family has been raising cows and using their milk for income for a long time. But traditional farming has its challenges, making their future uncertain.

Meenakshi’s World: A Glimpse

Meenakshi encountered an ongoing problem with her milk production. Her cows’ heat cycles were irregular due to nutritional issues, and artificial insemination proved ineffective. Consequently, the intervals between calving’s lengthened, and the increasing expenses of cattle care began to reduce the business’s profits. Moreover, ensuring that her milk met the agents’ and dairies’ quality standards remained an uncertain challenge. Each day felt like a risky gamble, with her family’s livelihood hanging in the balance.

Meenakshi faced financial instability in her farming. Her agent paid her in cash, but the amounts were consistently lower than expected due to undisclosed quality parameters. The lack of transparency in milk quantity further complicated her planning and anxiety. Procuring cattle feed, supplements, and agricultural necessities was also a struggle, worsened by her village’s remote location. Adding one more cattle to her farm to boost dairy income was her aspiration. Yet, the cumbersome process of securing a bank loan proved fruitless. The absence of conventional income statements, unlike salaried employees, made banks reluctant to extend the necessary financial support.

The Turning Point in Meenakshi’s Life

The winds of change began to blow when whispers of a new dairy, Moomark, setting up a milk procurement network in her village. The word on the village was that Moomark was not just another dairy; it was a beacon of hope with modern technology and a forward-thinking approach.

Meenakshi was skeptical at first. She had heard promises before, and they had often turned out to be empty words. But something about Moomark intrigued her,

and she decided to investigate further. Little did she know that her decision to learn more about Moomark would be the turning point in her life.

This new-age dairy was set to revolutionize milk procurement in the village. It was not just about collecting milk; it was about transforming the lives of dairy farmers like Meenakshi.

Moomark’s promise was simple, yet incredibly powerful. With the aid of cutting-edge technology, they would provide complete transparency in milk procurement. Farmers would have access to a digital milk passbook which gets updates every time when they pour milk and would record every transaction. No more mysteries or uncertainties about where their milk was going and at what price. Meenakshi could finally have a clear picture of her dairy business’s financial health and the payment would be credited directly to the farmers bank account at fixed dates every month.

But that was just the beginning. Moomark offered more than transparency; it offered empowerment. They provided loans and insurance, recognizing the financial challenges that Meenakshi and others in the village had faced for years. No more standing in long queues at distant banks, pleading for financial support. Moomark was there to provide the much-needed financial security.

High-quality dairy inputs were also part of the package. Meenakshi had often traveled long distances to the district to purchase cattle feed and mineral mixtures. With Moomark, these essential supplies would be delivered right to her doorstep. No more exhausting journeys, and no more compromising on the quality of her farm’s inputs.

One of the most invaluable aspects of Moomark’s approach was its farm advisory services. Meenakshi had always wished for guidance on best management practices to increase her farm’s profitability and productivity. Now, she could access expert advice on increasing farm profitability.

The moment Meenakshi understood the depth of these offerings, her decision was clear. She decided to bid farewell to her old dairy association and embrace the opportunities that Moomark presented. The shift was not just about changing dairies; it was about changing her life.

This digitalization was a lifeline for Meenakshi and the entire village. Her decision to join Moomark was proof of her determination to overcome the challenges that had held her back for too long, and it was a turning point that would define the next chapter of her life and she was given a new age tool called SmartFarms App to conduct her dairy business.

Meenakshi’s SmartFarming Journey

Meenakshi’s journey took a transformative turn as she embraced the SmartFarms app. With a simple swipe of her finger, she gained the power to see everything she needed at her fingertips. This digital tool opened doors to newfound transparency and control, fundamentally changing the way she approached her daily farming tasks.

Milk Passbook: With the SmartFarms App, Meenakshi gained real-time insights into her milk pouring schedule. She could now monitor the quantity, quality, and timing of her milk production with just a few taps on her smartphone. No more guessing games: her farm’s mysteries were illuminated by the glow of her screen. This newfound transparency brought a sense of control and predictability to her daily tasks, a welcome change from the uncertainties that had previously loomed over her farm.

Financial: Empowering Financial Freedom: The SmartFarms App didn’t just stop at milk tracking; it also brought financial empowerment to Meenakshi’s fingertips. Through the app’s Loan Management and Insurance features, she could access financial services tailored to her needs. Meenakshi, like many small-scale farmers, often faced financial challenges. The app allowed her to express her loan requirements, track loan history, and even explore insurance options. These features not only simplified the processes but also ensured that she had access to financial resources when needed.

E-commerce: A World of Convenience: Here, Meenakshi could browse and purchase high-quality dairy and agricultural inputs with ease. The platform featured user-friendly features, including online payments, product tracking, and purchase history. It exclusively showcased products known for their quality and reliability. As a farmer in a remote village, accessing high-quality cattle feed and agricultural inputs was often a challenge. It bridged this gap, ensuring that Meenakshi and other farmers like her had access to the resources they needed for their farms and the products would be delivered at the collection center Meenaskhi could pick the products the next day from the collection center.

Advisory: One of Moomark’s invaluable offerings was its Farm Improvement services, encompassing both online and offline support. Meenakshi, who had always wanted guidance to enhance her farm’s profits and productivity, now had access to expert advice through an online and offline team. Additionally, through Moomark’s Farm Improvement team’s in-person visits to all farmers, they received hands-on assistance to enhance their overall farm dynamics, ultimately boosting productivity and profitability.


Meenakshi’s extraordinary journey, during which she expanded her herd by adding seven cows and two calves by improving profits and access to loans; it resonates with the experiences of 80 million farmers across India. They, like her, have grappled with the challenges of limited transparency in milk procurement and other farming practices for a long time. The transformative power of digitization, exemplified by the SmartFarms solution from Stellapps, extends far beyond her personal story, holding the potential to positively impact the lives of countless farmers throughout the country.

Digitization serves as a catalyst, transforming not only the lives of individual farmers but the entire dairy industry. It bridges the gap between traditional practices and modern technology, enhancing transparency and efficiency. The benefits ripple outward from tech-savvy farmers like Meenakshi to consumers who value quality and innovation.

SmartFarms empowers the new generation of farmers to efficiently produce high-quality milk and innovative dairy products. Meenakshi’s journey embodies this fusion of tradition and technology, a vital aspect for tech-forward farmers.

Looking ahead, we envision a promising future where digitization becomes the driving force, uniting the dairy industry to deliver quality, transparency, and prosperity to all, especially the younger generation.

The post Meenakshi’s Dairy Transformation: A Tale of SmartFarming appeared first on Benison Media.

Rapid, Robust and Reliable Mycotoxins Analysis Sat, 07 Oct 2023 08:48:18 +0000 Introduction Fungal toxins known as aflatoxins pose a substantial risk to human health, particularly in some developing nations where there is a high prevalence of aflatoxin-related health consequences and significant food contamination. There are numerous methods available for testing of food mycotoxins. Although expensive, challenging to operate, and sensitive, modern chromatographic techniques enable for quantitative […]

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Fungal toxins known as aflatoxins pose a substantial risk to human health, particularly in some developing nations where there is a high prevalence of aflatoxin-related health consequences and significant food contamination. There are numerous methods available for testing of food mycotoxins. Although expensive, challenging to operate, and sensitive, modern chromatographic techniques enable for quantitative measurement with great accuracy and sensitivity. Rapid tests offer a more affordable option than screening several samples at once, but they still require validation on all food matrices that are evaluated. Making sure there are appropriate detection and quantification technologies that are quick, sensitive, accurate, reliable, and affordable for food surveillance in resource-constrained contexts is crucial to combating aflatoxin contamination and exposure. According to recent estimates, 60-80% of crops contain measurable levels of mycotoxins. Co-contamination with more than one toxin occurs frequently, and this varies geographically depending on climate and farming practices.

Techniques for general mycotoxin analysis

The analysis of mycotoxins is extremely difficult. They are heterogeneously distributed at various quantities in a variety of agricultural commodities, foods, feeds, and biological samples, as well as including a variety of chemical components, necessitating extraction, cleanup, separation, and detection techniques. As a result of plant metabolism, some mycotoxins, particularly deoxynivalenol and zearalenone, are conjugated, and these “masked” mycotoxins may contribute 20% of the total amount of the parent mycotoxin but are undetectable by standard examination [1]

Quantification of mycotoxins necessitates the use of costly laboratory equipment that must be operated by highly trained individuals, as well as a sequence of stages and procedures that can be difficult and time-consuming. The need for high sensitivity tests to detect the lowest possible levels of mycotoxin for regulatory purposes, combined with rapidity, high accuracy, simplicity, robustness, and selectivity, has been the primary driving force behind the development and improvement of new mycotoxin analytical protocols. Mycotoxin analysis is required to quantify the toxin for risk assessment, diagnosis, and mitigation techniques.

Aflatoxin testing in food items is particularly difficult due to uneven toxin distribution and the low levels at which mycotoxins exist [1]. As a result, some national and international food safety authorities and organisations have prescribed sampling methods for a variety of food commodities to obtain representative samples that can be used to determine concentrations of various mycotoxins in foodstuffs for official control purposes; sampling is potentially the most significant source of error in mycotoxin testing [2]. Many commodities have thorough sampling plans in place. To produce a representative sample from a grain storage facility, for example, incremental samples must be collected from various locations across the facility [3], with the entire primary sample pulverised, blended, and subsampled to assure consistency.

Mycotoxins are extracted from the matrix using a suitable solvent, cleaned of co-extracted matrix components, and identified/quantified using appropriate analytical facilities. Some unique approaches, such as infrared spectroscopy, may detect mycotoxin contamination directly in ground samples without prior solvent extraction or cleanup, but are limited to screening applications due to significant matrix interference and a lack of acceptable calibration materials. Although additional purification is required for chromatographic determination, the diluted extracts can be employed directly with immunoanalytical procedures.

Determination of toxins

Conventional analytical methods for mycotoxin analysis in food typically involve chromatographic separation techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), and gas chromatography (GC). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is commonly used, often combined with immunoaffinity cleanup, to quantitatively determine regulated mycotoxins. Detection systems such as fluorescence detection (FLD) or mass spectrometry (MS) are frequently employed for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity. These methods help ensure the safety and quality of food by identifying and measuring mycotoxins present in the samples.

  1. Thin layer chromatography

Earlier, thin layer chromatography (TLC) was commonly used as a mycotoxin screening technique due to its affordability and ability to process many samples quickly. However, TLC has limitations in terms of separating power, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the mycotoxin of interest and other interfering substances present in the sample. To address this issue, modern cleanup techniques have been developed that effectively remove impurities, thereby enhancing the reliability and accuracy of TLC analysis. These advancements have helped overcome the limitations of TLC and improved its usefulness in mycotoxin analysis.


  1. High performance liquid chromatography

Currently, the most used method for mycotoxin determination is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) due to its advantages in sensitivity, precision, and automation. After extracting and cleaning up the samples, they are injected into the HPLC column. In this technique, individual mycotoxin compounds are separated based on their interaction with the column matrix and the solvent used in the mobile phase [4].

For better quantification of mycotoxins using the HPLC technique coupled with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD), derivatization is important. Derivatization can enhance the fluorescence signal, making it easier to quantify mycotoxins accurately. Different methods of derivatization can be employed, such as pre-column derivatization with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) or post-column derivatization with bromine or iodine, which can be used to identify aflatoxins [5]. There are also alternative approaches like photochemical post-column derivatization or the incorporation of specific cyclodextrins in the mobile phase to enhance fluorescence without the use of chemical derivatization [6].

While HPLC-FLD offers good sensitivity and specificity in mycotoxin analysis, it does have limitations. It requires expensive equipment and skilled operators to perform the analysis. Additionally, the sample preparation procedures can be time-consuming and laborious.

  1. Liquid chromatography /Mass spectrometry

Liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is a technique that allows for more sensitive and selective determination of multiple mycotoxins in complex matrices, with improved limits of detection and quantification. Modern LC/MS instruments use interfaces like atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), and electrospray ionization (ESI) due to their robustness, ease of handling, high sensitivity, accuracy, and ability to work with a wide range of compound polarities.

  1. Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography (GC) is a method used to determine mycotoxins that can easily turn into gas inside the chromatography column. For example, GC combined with electron capture detection (ECD),

flame ionization detection (FID), or mass spectrometric detection (MS) can be used to identify mycotoxins like trichothecenes or patulin. However, GC requires the samples to be cleaned up before analysis and treated with chemicals to make them more volatile and sensitive. GC has some disadvantages too. The sample needs to be in a gas form or converted into a gas, there can be losses due to heat, and the equipment for GC is expensive.

  1. Rapid screening methods

Quick screening methods, such as immunochemical techniques, offer rapid detection of mycotoxins. These methods range from simple tests like lateral flow assays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to advanced immunosensors. They work by binding a specific antibody to the target mycotoxin, without the need for extensive sample cleanup or enrichment steps.

  • ELISA techniques

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique uses specific antibodies to detect and bind the target molecule. In ELISA, the target molecule can directly bind to the antibody or be linked to an enzyme, which then reacts with a coloured substance to produce a visible result.

However, mycotoxins have a small size and are not easily detected by antibodies alone. To make them detectable in ELISA, they are attached to a carrier molecule to make them more noticeable. ELISA is known for being highly sensitive, accurate, portable, quick, and easy to use, making it suitable for testing many samples efficiently.

Despite its advantages, ELISA also has some limitations. It often requires single-use kits, which can be expensive for large-scale testing. The results of ELISA can be influenced by the composition of the sample being tested, and there can be issues with false positive reactions with other substances. Moreover, ELISA has a limited range of detection due to the specific nature of the antibodies used in the test.

5.2 Lateral Flow devices

Lateral flow strips and dipstick devices, which are also known as immunochromatographic test devices, are simple and disposable tools used to detect mycotoxins. These devices have a toxin or antibody attached to them, which can be labelled with enzymes, liposomes, or colloidal gold. Colloidal gold is commonly used in mycotoxin test strips because it is easily available, simple to produce, and can be easily combined with antibodies.

In these devices, the mycotoxin in the sample interacts with the attached antibodies, which are labelled with colloidal gold, at the base of the strip. The antibodies, whether bound to the mycotoxin or not, move along the strip membrane. As they move, they pass a test line that contains immobilized mycotoxin. If there are any free antibodies, they will bind to the mycotoxin on the test line, forming a visible line that indicates the presence of aflatoxin below a certain limit. The device also has a control line further along the strip, which consists of anti-antibodies. This control line ensures that the sample has moved completely along the strip.

There is another type of device called a membrane-based flow-through device or enzyme-linked immunofiltration assay (ELIFA). In this device, the liquid flows through the membrane in a perpendicular direction and is collected on an absorbent pad on the other side of the membrane. It uses an enzyme label that requires a step of incubating the sample with a substrate. The test and control lines are generated by a colour reaction between the enzyme and the substrate.

Due to their simplicity and ease of use, the development of dipstick and lateral flow assays for mycotoxins is likely to continue. Researchers are exploring the use of stable, non-enzymatic labels in these assays, and there are already several commercially available devices. Additionally, innovative labels based on nanoparticles, such as quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, carbon nanoparticles, and time-resolved fluorescent microspheres, have been developed to improve the detection capabilities of lateral flow devices. The use of fluorescence quenching principles in lateral flow immunoassays has also increased the sensitivity of these assays.

5.3 Mycomaster -Trouw Nutrition

Trouw Nutrition has developed a special program that helps feed producers manage the risk of mycotoxin contamination. This program uses a 3-step approach: identifying the risk, ensuring quality control, and applying effective solutions.

  • First, the program helps identify the risk of mycotoxin contamination by regularly testing and analysing the feed ingredients. This helps farmers and feed producers understand the level of risk and take necessary measures.
  • Next the program focuses on quality control. It ensures that the raw materials used for making feed and the final feed product meet high-quality standards. This involves thorough testing and analysis to detect any mycotoxin presence and taking steps to prevent further contamination.
  • Trouw Nutrition provides solutions to mitigate the risk of mycotoxin contamination. These solutions may include special additives or treatments that can neutralize or bind mycotoxins, making them less harmful.

Feed producers can reduce the risk of mycotoxin contamination, maintain the quality of their feed, and protect the health and performance of animals. It is an important step towards ensuring safe and high-quality animal feed production.

Trouw Nutrition has developed a rapid analysistoolcalled Mycomaster. This device helps farmers to find out if their animal feed contains harmful substances called mycotoxins. Mycomaster is a smart device that uses a simple method called lateral-flow technology to measure the levels of mycotoxin contamination in the feed.Farmers can check for six different types of mycotoxins with Mycomaster: Zearalenone, Deoxynivalenol, Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Ochratoxin, and T2-HT2. The device gives results in just 15-30 minutes, so farmers can quickly know if their feed is contaminated.

Mycomaster can also connect to Trouw Nutrition’s global data system. This means that farmers can see information from around the world about mycotoxin contamination. It helps them understand the situation fast, better and make necessary mitigation strategy.


It is important to ensure that our food is safe from contamination by aflatoxins and other mycotoxins. Analysing and quantifying these toxins is crucial for feed-to-food safety. There are various methods available for detecting and measuring aflatoxins, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Analytical techniques like HPLC coupled with mass spectrometry or fluorescent detectors are accurate but expensive and require trained personnel. TLC is a simpler and more affordable option, especially in developing countries. Screening methods, such as ELISAs and dipstick tests, are rapid and easy to use, making them suitable for low-income countries. However, it is important to ensure that the chosen method is appropriate for the specific food item being tested.

Efforts are being made to develop multi-toxin screening assays, as aflatoxins are often found together with other mycotoxins. This helps us understand the extent of contamination and take necessary measures to protect public health. It is also important to ensure that the results obtained from rapid screening tests align with quantitative analysis conducted in regulatory laboratories.

By employing effective analytical methods and screening techniques, we can identify and address mycotoxin contamination in our food supply chain, ensuring the safety of our food and protecting the health of consumers.

 References available on request. 

By Dr. J. Pothanna, Technical Manager, Niwas Balaji, Laboratory Manager, Trouw Nutrition South Asia

For further information, kindly write to us at or visit our website:

The post Rapid, Robust and Reliable Mycotoxins Analysis appeared first on Benison Media.
